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Script the Critical Moves


"Ambiguity is the enemy. Any successful change requires a translation of ambiguous goals into concrete behaviors. In short, to make a switch, you need to script the critical moves." (p. 53)

I just finished Chapter 3 of the book "Switch," and I've been thinking a lot about how I can do a better job at "scripting the moves" to better support our teachers as they try new strategies and tools in their classroom. In particular, I have been reflecting on how I can use the steps in the 5-Step Coaching Model to help with this.

Here are some ideas:

Identify a specific challenge

During the first step of the coaching cycle, coaches work collaboratively with teachers to identify a specific challenge. This is an essential step if we want to help script the moves teachers will need to make in order to change and improve their practice. 

Sometimes teachers are so overwhelmed with challenges that it's difficult to get them to focus on just one. They keep jumping from issue to issue or (especially during the past year) from tool to tool. One strategy from the Google Certified Coach Curriculum is the Gripe Jam. I've used this strategy several times and it has really helped teachers who aren't quite sure where they want to start. 

Build SMART goals to address the challenge

During Steps 2 & 3, coaches work with teachers to identify and select a strategy. One way to make sure this goal is specific is to set SMART goals. This will make it clear to both you and the teacher how you will both know that a goal has been met. That will help to avoid the "ambiguity" that can often derail efforts to change practice. 

Identify sub-goals to support strategy implementation

During Step 4, coaches work with teachers to implement the strategy the teacher has chosen. A really important part of this step is the "Goal Setting Meeting." During this meeting, coaches help teachers identify sub-goals to support teachers as they try to implement new strategies in their classrooms. As the authors point out in the book, the hardest part of change is in the details. Therefore, this step is where coaches can really provide teachers the support they need by identifying the concrete steps they need to take during their lessons in order to reach the identified goals.

How do you "script the moves" in order to drive change?


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