Ms. Morgan Kerley
Ms. Morgan Kerley is a 7th/8th grade Science teacher at Mountain Sky Junior High. She shared the following quote:
“This school year, the forced integration of technology has opened the eyes of educators to create meaningful and engaging lessons for concepts that cannot simply be researched by students. With this challenge, teachers have been more flexible than ever to not only transition their lessons online, but design new lessons that engage students in a different way. As a TTL this school year, I am truly blessed to be at Mountain Sky with a staff that was willing to learn new skills and take on the challenges that this year brought. I am excited to continue learning next year!"
Thank you, Ms. Kerley!
The Teacher Technology Leaders (TTLs) are a group of highly motivated teachers who provide leadership for their school sites in all areas related to technology integration. This includes exploring new methods of effective technology integration in their own classrooms, leading school and district level PD sessions, and providing personalized support to individual teachers at their site.
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