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Ready for Blast Off!

So, this is my first blog post! I've been wanting to start this for the last year, but I always found an excuse to put it off until later. 

Well, later is today!

What changed? To be honest, it seemed like the perfect alignment of several (EDU)planets. 

  1. I was accepted into a semester partnership with Arizona State University that supports mentor teachers in their efforts to incorporate Problem-Based Enhanced Language Learning (PBELL) in the classroom. This is basically PBL with a focus on English language learners. I participated in their iTEACHELLs STEM camp this summer, and it was amazing! I am really excited to be part of this and learn more about how to use PBL in the classroom!
  2. I registered for the EdTechTeam Teacher Leader Cohort. I spent hours watching the webinars, Q&As, and reading through the syllabus. All the topics are ALL the things I want to learn more about and I love that it is a cohort of other motivated teachers! Sometimes it can feel like you are on a lonely island with dreams of transforming education. I cannot wait to connect with other teachers who have the same goals!
  3. I finally became a Google Certified Teacher! I also signed up for my first EdTechTeam Summit, and I'm not embarrassed to admit that I was was #supernerdy excited when the schedule finally came out. 
Those are just a few of the major events that finally motivated me to start blogging. I wanted a place to start reflecting on what I was learning through these different experiences. If I ask my students to do it, then I should, too!

Aside from that, I have (through the power of Twitter) been introduced to some amazing educators that are rethinking what "school" and education can be for our students. Suddenly all the "what if's" that I thought could never really be possible are becoming the reality in some innovative, forward-thinking schools. Reading about schools that are rethinking practices such as letter grades and age-based groupings makes me so excited about the future of education!

It's going to be a super busy semester. I've already said my goodbyes to loved ones and pets. =) However, I am so excited to learn and grow in ways that (I hope) will empower my students and fellow educators!

So, do you have any advice for a new, slightly awkward edu-blogger? How have you made time for blogging? How has it helped you grow as an educator?


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